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Lou Gerstner Interview

Lou Gerstner was CEO of IBM from 1993 to 2002, credited with turning the company around he was IBM's most significant CEO since the Watson era. I don't see many interviews or presentations by him on the internet. So I thought this recently published CNBC Squawk Box interview about his time as CEO was worth sharing. I think it's circa 2006.
I did notice, that although it's an old interview it was only published on the web recently. It may be coincidence but the timing is interesting as IBM embarks on NewCo, the cloud 'moonshot' and a lot of cost cutting. Lou did turn IBM around, when he stepped down profits and stock price were a lot higher than when he arrived. But the turn around started with an additional 35k job losses, a total of 60k, and $10billion in cost cutting. At the time the biggest layoffs in US history.
Conspiracy theories aside, it should also be noted that Lou is also passionate about education, so here's a bonus video smile
Posted in Default Category on January 24 2021 at 06:51 PM

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